Added a retro timer
Published at Nov 28, 2020
We've added a retro timer to the retrospective board
Having trouble keeping your retrospective within the scheduled time?

We got feature requests from scrum masters and agile coaches to add a tiny timer. Today we released this feature.
Just set the time, like your microwave
You can set 1 or 2 hours for the entire retro time and press start. You'll see a progress bar above the stepper as an indicator how far you're along.
But you can also use it to set a time per step. For instance if you only want to spent 5 minutes on adding feedback and 20 minutes on discussing the feedback.

Start doing online retrospectives
It's hard during COVID-19 to do a good retrospective while everyone is at home. Try our free retrospective app here and experience the benefits of an online retrospective board yourself.
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